Navitas Professional Services
Week 3 Workplace Simulation Activity Topic 1
Individual Task - Workplace Task 4 - Promoting WHS in your workplace.

Create a Blog using Blogger that is promoting work, health and safety at Navitas Professional Services.  (minimum 300 words)

Student Name: Farhan Khan

Work, Health and Safety is important. WHS promotes and works to ensure the prevention of accidents and other incidents at a work environment.

In order to promote work, health and safety at Navitas Professional Services, I have summarised 7 simple actions below:

1. Train all Navitas employees well.

Comprehensive training is a must for preventing workplace injury. Make sure that all employees have access to – and complete – all safety training for their positions.

2. Reward/Appreciate all Navitas employees for safe behaviour.

Rewards are an easy way to encourage workplace safety. Giving out small rewards to employees who follow safety policies keeps them engaged, which can make a big difference in reducing workplace injuries.


3. Use labels and signs in Navitas workplace.

Labels and signs are a cheap and effective way to quickly communicate important information. They’re usually simple and rely on pictures to detail hazards and proper procedures. These tools are good reminders and warnings for even the most experienced worker.


4. Keep things clean.

A messy workplace can lead to unnecessary accidents. Make sure boxes are stacked safely and spills are cleaned up quickly. Conduct regular inspections to check for potential dangers such as tangled cords, messy floors, and disorganized tools.


5. Make sure employees have the right tools and have regular equipment inspections.

The right tools and equipment create a better product and a safer work environment. It’s also important that all equipment is cleaned, serviced, and inspected regularly. Machine malfunctions are one of the most dangerous workplace hazards.


6. Encourage stretch breaks.

Stretch breaks are an easy way to improve workplace ergonomics and employee health. Taking even five minutes to stretch can ease muscle tension and loosen joints, reducing the potential for repetitive motion injuries. Active movements have been shown to be more effective than passive stretching alone.


7. Have regular meetings on workplace safety.

It never hurts to be over-prepared. Regular meetings to review safety rules and discuss prevention keep workplace safety top of mind so that when something does happen, everyone knows what to do right away.

Thank you for your time.

Farhan Khan
